Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Thank Goodness its MY Friday

Portland Barista Tina Faucet reported yesterday that the majority of her regular customers opt to celebrate Friday on one of the other six days of the week. "Sometimes on a Tuesday I'll ask someone how they're doing and they'll respond, 'Great! Today's my Friday so I just have to get through one more day,'" disclosed Faucet.

The customers in question come from neighboring restaurants and typically begin their five-day work binges on the traditional Friday. "I guess they think that because they have two days off in a row they get to rearrange the days of the week," Faucet surmised. "Sometimes I want to tell them, 'No you idiot, it's still Tuesday.'"

Faucet is not the only one perterbed by the trend of calendar deviation. Banks, post offices and corporate restaurant chains are also feeling threatened by the movement those of the non-traditional work week are calling "Thank Goodness its MY Friday" (T.G.I.M.F.).

"Here at US Bank we reward our employees with casual Friday," explained Southeast branch manager, Tod Emblem. "If everyone gets their own Friday, how am I supposed to know who's out of dress code and who's having their Friday?"

Faucet disagrees that the T.G.I.M.F. movement is a reason for great concern, confiding that mostly the deviants "just sound like tools."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Aud, I cant really figure this thing out, this is laura by the way, I think you should add to your article a little something about mumbly bon man, the dude called Robin that worked in the bon sophomore year, who always went around mumbling "hey hey, todays my friday". in other news, thanks for the xmas card and i wrote you a letter and just havent sent it!!! i think we do that a lot to each other. oh well, i love your blog!